Bachelor of Social Work

Work With Clients From Your Very First Social Work Course!

Learn to take action while showing compassion

拥有经过验证的课程,包括400小时的实地实习经验, 十大电子游戏网站社会工作学士学位课程使毕业生能够立即从事认证社会工作者或社会工作者的职业, if desired, an advanced degree.

在你的第一个社会工作课程中直接接触客户, you’ll be exposed to a variety of topics, including human behavior theory, research, policy analysis, social work practice, and ethics and values.

参加该计划的学生将为州和国家认证考试做好准备,毕业后将开始赋予个人权力的生活, families, groups, and communities anywhere.

New: Bridge Courses as a Step in Path to Social Work

Current professionals who have a four-year degree in PsychologySociologyCriminal Justice or Human Services 并希望提升自己在社会工作领域的专业技能, 能通过威斯康星十大电子游戏网站提供的独特的桥梁课程做到这一点吗. To learn more about the program, click here.

Become a Social Worker Through Hands on Internships!

Internships to Prepare You for the Real World

十大电子游戏网站社会工作学士学位课程受到尊重,因为我们与领先组织建立了良好的关系, 92%的毕业生立即找到了社会工作者的工作或进入研究生院.

学生们将与寄养儿童一起促进技能建设小组,并与当地养老院和心理健康中心的客户会面. Not to mention, 我们的教师是仍在该领域实践的个人,能够让学生接触到他们与各个层面实践相关的观点.

学生们曾在温尼贝戈县人类服务部等机构实习, Waupun Correctional Institute, Agnesian Hospice Home of Hope, and Fond du Lac High School. Graduates have found successful careers in child and youth services, corrections, mental health agencies and hospitals.

“社会工作项目教会了我在与不同人群一起工作时要努力发挥我最大的潜力. 每一天,我都会永远珍惜我在课堂和实习中获得的经验. 我所获得的知识是不可替代的,是它们成就了今天的我.”

Erica Wiese – 2020 Marian University Graduate

“十大电子游戏网站的社会工作项目给了我很多机会,我将永远感激. The more involved I became at Marian, the more confident I became in my ability to be a good social worker. Marian通过SSWA、实习机会和志愿服务为我提供了成长的机会. The professors truly cared about me and my future.”

Katelyn Schueffner – 2019 Marian University Graduate

Bachelor of Social Work Curriculum

十大电子游戏网站社会工作学士课程是关于赋权的. 我们通过课程设计来帮助学生培养个人能力, families, groups and communities everywhere. In your community, throughout your state and across our country, 有无数的家庭和个人需要这种帮助和支持,而这种帮助和支持只能来自一个关心和熟练的社会工作者. And for decades now, 十大电子游戏网站社会工作学士课程一直在教育和培训真正了解这些需求并知道如何寻找解决方案的社会工作者.

If you have completed a two-year degree in Human Services, AODA, 联系项目主管,了解是否有机会在两年内完成学士学位.

CSWE Competency Based Student Outcomes


General Education Courses

As a bachelor’s level student, 在获得学士学位所需的120个学分中,你需要修30个学分的通识教育课程.  General education courses are required regardless of your major.

All students take 10.5 to 17 credits in these areas:

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Argumentative and Research Writing
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
  • First Year Studies

Core Courses

Social work majors will take courses covering topics such as:

  • Social work policy and advocacy
  • Human behavior and social environment
  • Statistics for research
  • Ethics and professional behavior
  • Sociology

Learning Outcomes

十大电子游戏网站社会工作课程致力于教育学生的道德, competent, culturally responsive, 创新的多面手社会工作实践,解决社会中最弱势群体的福祉. Our educational experiences, research, and community outreach promote social and economic justice, program and policy change, 以及针对不同个人客户体系所面临挑战的循证战略, families, groups, organizations, and communities.


• Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
• Engage diversity and difference in practice
• Engage in policy practice

社会工作专业的使命植根于一套核心价值观. These core values, embraced by social workers throughout the profession’s history, are the foundation of social work’s unique purpose and perspective:

  • Service
  • Social justice
  • Dignity and worth of the person
  • Importance of human relationships
  • Integrity
  • Competence

每天,十大电子游戏网站社会工作学士学位课程的毕业生都在世界上发挥着真正的作用. 作为该课程的毕业生,你将为在各种环境中工作做好准备, including health care, mental health agencies, rehabilitation centers, child and youth services, correctional facilities, agencies for the elderly and colleges and universities.

