Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Management


十大电子游戏网站工商管理学士工商管理课程考察了经营企业或组织的不同方法,并解释了管理人员在履行其职能时使用的技能和活动. 重点放在组织环境中的管理功能上, but the program also focuses on the management of projects and tasks.

Is a BBA in Management degree valuable? 我们为学生毕业后的专业工作经验做准备, 我们的学生能够在他们的履历中增加经验,这样他们就能在竞争中领先一步. Not to mention, 我们的实习和合作教育项目为学生提供了将课堂知识应用于商业领域的机会.

Through internships, 工商管理专业的学生与许多公司建立了合作关系, 哪些通常会导致毕业后的专业就业机会. Our graduates are open to a wide variety of careers, including banking services, human resources, operations management, and quality management. The program emphasizes all facets of business, including accounting, economics, finance, law, management, marketing, and personnel.


Explore Being a Business Management Student

了解教授如何将话题带入生活,因为他们分享了他们在经营公司和管理员工方面的现实经验. Dr. Seelig还谈到了十大电子游戏网站每个商科专业学生的实习经历. You will spend between 150 and 300 hours at a business either in the U.S. or abroad.

What can you do with a BBA in Management?


  • Agnesian HealthCare
  • Alliant Energy
  • Grandé Cheese
  • Kohler Company
  • Mercury Marine
  • Michels Corporation
  • Schenck Business Solutions

What does a BBA in Management cover?

Topics that we explore in-depth include:

  • Leadership
  • Power
  • Decision-making
  • Policy formation
  • Organizational structure and change

How can a BBA in Management help me?


  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Operations
  • Problem solving
  • Planning

BBA in Business Management Curriculum

十大电子游戏网站工商管理学士学位课程的目标是培养学生积极参与社会和文化,并做出明智的回应, creatively, and humanely to the dynamic demands of the modern business environment. 十大电子游戏网站工商管理学士学位毕业生获得的技能,以导航的工作场所和世界. Our curriculum, in addition to our liberal arts classes, 在商业领域的各个方面提供更广泛的知识和理解深度.

General Education Courses

As a bachelor’s level student, 在获得学士学位所需的120个学分中,你需要修30个学分的通识教育课程. General education courses are required regardless of your major.

All students take 10.5 to 17 credits in these areas:

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Argumentative and Research Writing
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
  • First Year Studies

Core Courses

Business Management majors will take courses covering topics such as:

  • Operations Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Management Skills

Learning Outcomes

To earn a Business Management degree at Marian University, students must develop a sense of their own worth, an understanding of others, 以及对自己作为未来商业领袖责任的承诺. 重点放在应用文科背景下的职业定位. Should students choose, 参加国际工商管理专业荣誉协会Sigma Beta Delta的十大电子游戏网站分会,可以帮助他们增加知识基础.

Through personalized support and quality practical applications, 商学院将激励十大电子游戏网站工商管理专业的学生做好准备,成为对社区有贡献的成功成员. 我们的学生受益于拥有在商业领域的专家教师, 他们拥有数十年的经验和为他人服务的热情. Graduating with a BBA in Business Management from Marian University, students have the skills, knowledge, and insight to be successful in the 21st-century business world.

Criteria for Undergraduate Business Students


Freshman Criteria (for students with at least 30 credits completed)

  • 学生应完成以下课程,成绩不低于C:
    ENG 101 or ENG 105
  • Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00

Sophomore Criteria (for students with at least 60 credits completed)


  • ENG 151 or ENG 106
  • MAT 111 or MAT 130 or MAT 132
  • BUA 210
  • Science lab(s)

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00

Junior and Senior Criterion (for students with at least 80 credits completed)

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00

Failure to Meet Criteria

任何不符合这些标准的商科学生都将被留校察看. 在试用期的第一学期,学生可以继续学习商业课程. 留校察看一学期后仍未达到标准者, 该学生只能重修有缺陷的课程和通识教育要求.

Graduation Requirements

商科学生不允许以D+或更低的成绩毕业. 如果这样的成绩被记录,课程必须重修,并且必须达到C-或以上的成绩. 所有商科学生都必须在毕业前一个学期参加全面的离校考试. 修读一个以上商业专业的学生必须完成至少15个学分的独特课程才能计入每个专业. 修读辅修课程的学生必须完成至少9学分的辅修课程.

Internship Experience

实习为学生提供了与职业目标相关的实际工作经验. 所有实习都包括计划和监督的在职培训,并与学生互动, a faculty advisor, and a supervisor from the site of the internship. The student may complete the internship on a part- or full-time basis. Before the student begins their internship, 他们必须与各自学科的实习协调员协商,以审查要求和期望.

Prior to the start of the internship, 场地必须获得批准,并且必须完成学习合同和主管协议. 学生在达到初级状态后有资格注册0-3学分的实习. Specific internship requirements such as number of hours, paperwork, and other assignments may differ depending on major. 学生必须向项目主管和实习协调员咨询这些细节,并且在实习协调员授权之前不能注册实习. 无论申请的专业有多少,商科学生都必须完成至少一次实习经历.