Bachelor of Science in Biology

Studying life can positively change yours

对生物的研究即使没有几百个专业,也有几十个专业的发展空间! 十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程为学生在医疗保健行业的职业生涯做好准备, scientific industries, and academics right after graduation. 或者,学士学位是那些走上研究生院道路的人的坚实基础.

生物学学士学位培养理解现代生物学的范围和观点的科学家和公民. 玛丽安十大电子游戏网站的领导能力和认知能力一直得到认可. Through lecture, laboratory, and field work, 学生将获得强调现实世界研究和分析的宝贵经验. Students benefit from research courses, 并与教职员工一起创作原创作品,为他们毕业后的成功做好准备.

Become the scientist that shapes modern biology. Talk to an admission counselor today!

Learn About Biology in the Ridenour Science Center

Biology students have the pleasure of taking courses, conducting research, collaborating with other students, 在我们最先进的设施里与教师专家交流. The Dr. 理查德和莱斯利·里登诺科学中心提供了一个迷人的环境来学习对生物学职业生涯最重要的技能.

  • Nine teaching labs
  • Three research labs
  • Three prep rooms
  • One computer lab
  • Seven classrooms
  • 18 offices
  • Two student collaboration areas

Biology – An Important Part of Other Degree Programs

生物学的研究是许多其他学术课程的基础, such as nursing, pre-professional, and teaching. Some nursing students choose to minor in biology. 中等教育专业的学生可以选择生物学作为他们的双学位课程的内容领域,以便向5-12年级的学生教授生物学.

希望通过“专业前教育”成为牙医的学生, doctor, optometrist, pharmacist, physical therapist, or veterinarian, are advised to pursue a biology major with a chemistry minor, or a chemistry major with a biology minor.

The Biology Department supports additional options for students.

Get in on the Action

We believe the best way to learn is through practice. Biology students have the chance to…

  • 解剖一具人体尸体,超越教科书,获得人体解剖学和生理学的宝贵知识
  • Conduct independent research to contribute to the field
  • 制作一份简历,这将有助于确保工作安排和接受高质量的研究生和专业课程
  • Take part in internships

Prepare for Work or Graduate School


Join the workforce immediately after graduation:

  • High School Biology Teacher
  • Environmental Conservationist
  • Biological Technician
  • Researcher
  • Forensic Scientist

Continue with graduate studies to train for these careers:

  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Professor
  • Pharmacist
  • Veterinarian

Learn More About the Biology Program

Go beyond textbooks as a biology student at Marian. 作为一名未来的生物学家,你将学习收集、解释和分析数据所需的技能. 通过课堂、讲座和实地工作,亲身体验成为一名生物学家的感觉. 你将在校园科学中心或校外的实地考察和实习中进行研究. You may even work with faculty to produce original research. 生物学家的职业选择很广泛,因为你可以选择教书, work in veterinary science, conduct research, or go on to graduate school.

Bachelor of Science in Biology Curriculum

十大电子游戏网站生物学理学学士课程旨在帮助学生从自然界中发现真理,从而改善我们的生活方式. Students benefit from our small, dynamic lectures, 通过广泛的实验给学生理论知识, research, and field work. 生物学学士学位课程的学生与经验丰富、受人尊敬的教师密切合作, 谁是该领域公认的领导者,并且相信与学生之间真正的师徒关系.

General Education Courses

As a bachelor’s level student, 在获得学士学位所需的120个学分中,你需要修30个学分的通识教育课程.  General education courses are required regardless of your major.

All students take 10.5 to 17 credits in these areas:

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Argumentative and Research Writing
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
  • First Year Studies

Core Courses

Biology majors will take courses covering topics such as:

  • Biological Principles
  • Cell Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Chemistry
  • Ecology
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Zoology

Learning Outcomes

十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程旨在吸引对生物学有各种职业兴趣的学生. Through effective teaching, advising and scholarly activity, 十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程为学生从事科学探究和在我们的科学和技术社会中追求职业生涯做好准备.

In addition, 十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程与其他学术课程相衔接, including Nursing and Education. Pre-nursing majors learn fundamentals of science, anatomy, physiology, 以及微生物学,他们将在向专业学习过渡的过程中融入临床技能. 中等教育专业的学生可以选择生物学作为他们的双专业(中等教育/生物学)的内容领域,并通过十大电子游戏网站生物学学士课程的规定课程来获得教学认证.

十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程的毕业生发现一个充满机会的世界在等着他们. For many, their path is graduate school, 因此,在十大电子游戏网站攻读生物学学士学位期间,他们将自己的生物学专业与其他科学专业或辅修专业结合起来, or engage in a pre-professional curriculum. Whether graduate school is in your future or not, 生物学学士学位课程为医学职业提供了出色的理论和实践准备, veterinary medicine, optometry, allied health, research, 环境保护和教育——其中许多行业的就业预计将出现显著增长.

通过十大电子游戏网站生物学学士学位课程学习生物学的一个关键好处是我们在学术环境中提供的真正的文科核心. At Marian, 你将沉浸在生物学原理的理论和实际应用中, 同时通过对艺术的探索来加强你的教育, humanities and social sciences. 您将看到这些研究领域如何在现实世界中相互联系. 你还会看到他们是如何受到社会正义和为更伟大的事业服务的影响的, 这些追求一直是玛丽安的创始使命的一部分.

Biology majors must achieve an average GPA of 2.50 in their biology coursework before graduation. 转学生必须在十大电子游戏网站修完一半的专业学分和三分之一的辅修学分.