
Teaching you to become a productive member of the scientific and technological society

The career options are endless when it comes to studying the chemical sciences. The 十大电子游戏网站 化学学士学位 program gives students knowledge that can be applied to an almost unlimited amount of industries. 通过研究所有的化学过程, 化学成分, and chemical manipulation – our graduates are prepared to apply scientific methods and standards to make a difference in the world.

重点是研究和分析, the 十大电子游戏网站 化学学士学位 program sets students up for success by giving them opportunities to develop their skills through hands-on learning. 为学生在化学工程领域的角色做好准备, 化工及相关行业, 医疗保健, 和更多的, we offer experiential learning opportunities that allow classroom knowledge that can be applied in the real world.

Learn how you can make valuable contributions to science through chemistry


我们相信最好的学习方式是通过实践. 在化学学士课程中,学生将获得:


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the employment of chemists is projected to grow by roughly 7% through 2026. The 十大电子游戏网站 化学学士学位 program is dedicated to helping students follow our past chemistry graduates’ footsteps and find work fast.


琳达·克鲁格, 数学与自然科学系系主任, describes the analytical and research oriented chemistry program at Marian. 通过测试和研究化学反应, 研究化合物以及它们如何相互作用, 你会发展分析能力, 沟通, 以及可转移的技能,这些技能将使你在毕业后得到提升.

Within the program, you will take the classroom knowledge and apply it in a laboratory setting. You will also learn the scientific method and write quality lab reports.


The 化学学士学位 program features our core liberal arts courses and a challenging curriculum built on the areas of math, 物理, 和化学. 用科学的方法, you will undertake activities ranging from creating chemical reactions in the lab and identifying unknown compounds to writing lab reports. The BS in Chemistry program emphasizes personalized support and instruction from faculty committed to student success and guiding them toward the best path for their career goals.


作为一个本科水平的学生, you are required to take about 30 credits of general education courses as part of the 120 credits required for a bachelor’s degree.  无论你的专业是什么,你都需要基因.


  • 数学推理
  • 议论文和研究写作
  • 基督教神学概论
  • 人际沟通
  • 伦理推理导论
  • 第一年学习



  • 分析化学
  • 有机化学
  • 三角函数
  • 物理
  • 物理化学


  • Students will be able to complete laboratory tasks using proper lab techniques and equipment.
  • 学生将能够推导出一种方法并实施一种解决方案.
  • Students will be able to access and evaluate relevant chemical literature for the purposes of research.
  • Students will be able to use proper lab hygiene and safety procedures.
  • Students will be able to research and present results that are clear, relevant, accurate and precise.
  • Students will be able to work cooperatively to perform documented laboratory experiments and in class exercises.
  • 学生将能够在所有工作中坚持道德标准.
  • 学生将能够获得化学知识.


通过有效的教学, 建议, 以及学术活动, the 化学学士学位 program prepares students to engage in scientific inquiry and thought, 选择和追求合适的职业选择, become productive members of our scientific and technological society, and develop an appreciation of their capabilities and accomplishments. 另外, the BS in Chemistry program provides necessary background science courses that students need to succeed in their desired fields.

The 化学学士学位 program prepares students for a variety of post-baccalaureate options, 包括专业就业和研究生学习. Our graduates have the foundation needed to pursue careers in a variety of areas, 从分析实验室, 生物技术, 脊椎按摩疗法医学, 牙科, 和药店, 教育, 研究与开发, 和技术.

在毕业后的调查中, 100% had either found employment in the field or had continued into graduate school.

在化学学士学位课程中, 基于对项目学习成果的回顾, a new assessment plan has been adopted to align with American Chemical Society Standards around eight student learning outcomes.

Students who take chemistry courses (majors and non-majors) receive significant support through the general education program in developing knowledge acquisition and critical thinking.

With a solid background in the sciences and an emphasis on critical thinking skills, the aim of the 化学学士学位 program is to help students become leaders in the sciences and society. Experiential learning opportunities allow students to set themselves apart from the competition, whether by entering the workforce or enrolling in graduate or professional school.

Students enrolled in the BS in Chemistry program must achieve an average GPA of 2.他们在毕业前将化学课提高了50分. Transfer students must complete 18 or more of their chemistry credits at 十大电子游戏网站 for the chemistry major or eight or more of their chemistry credits at 十大电子游戏网站 for the chemistry minor.