Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science


十大电子游戏网站运动与运动科学学士学位课程通过深入接触体育活动的科学基础,超越了体育运动的游戏内动作, exercise, and sport. 该项目不仅仅是关于体重和锻炼:我们将学生与一个不断发展的领域联系起来,提供与健身相关的广泛职业选择, health, and wellness.

我们的运动和体育科学学士课程允许学生从大一开始从事多种专业发展活动, helping them identify and prepare for their desired career. 参加该项目的学生在第一年就会与现有的专业人士建立联系. Students then advance to shadow them in their workplace. 最后,学生将在大四期间选择一个实习环境. Throughout the program, 学生们接受实践训练,并被教导如何批判性地思考健身和健康问题.


Teri Durkin, Academic Advisor in Allied Health, 解释了学术顾问和运动科学项目(ESS)的作用。. 她解释了该项目的目标和成果,以及学生如何为各种各样的职业做好准备. Ms. Durkin分解了结果,不同的选择和人群,你可以在运动和运动科学领域工作.

“The faculty, staff, 十大电子游戏网站运动与运动科学专业的同学们为我提供了必要的知识和技能,使我在未来的职业生涯中成为一名成功的职业治疗师. 小型社区和班级规模最大限度地提高了我在项目期间的整体学习和学术/专业机会.”

Rachel MerenessMay 2022 Marian University graduate in ESS

Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science Curriculum

十大电子游戏网站运动与运动科学学士课程灵活的课程设置允许学生根据自己独特的职业目标定制他们的教育. Each student, with support from faculty and their advisor, 确定个性化的学习成果,并制定学习计划以实现这些成果. Students’ plans of study include courses and extracurricular activities; these plans are constantly monitored to ensure the optimal educational experience for each student.


General Education Courses

As a bachelor’s level student, 在获得学士学位所需的120个学分中,你需要修30个学分的通识教育课程.  Gen eds are required regardless of your major.

All students take 10.5 to 17 credits in these areas:

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Argumentative and Research Writing
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Ethical Reasoning
  • First Year Studies

Core Courses


  • Nutrition and metabolism
  • Bioethics
  • Exercise prescription
  • Health, exercise, and sport assessment
  • Prevention, care, and treatment of athletic injuries

Learning Outcomes

  • Apply knowledge of physiological, biomechanical, age, 以及性别差异对运动生理学和运动测试的影响.
  • 将循证实践研究纳入临床决策.
  • 将道德问题转化为运动和体育科学领域的负责任的行动.
  • 展示对所有客户敏感的有效沟通技巧.
  • 创建/修改程序,以满足特殊客户群体和个人需求.
  • 展示当前技术知识及其在运动科学中的应用.
  • Model professional conduct and behavior.

Professional Standards

运动与运动科学(ESS)是一个快速发展的领域,有许多令人兴奋的专业机会. 该领域的个人致力于促进身体活动和/或提高运动成绩. 该领域的职业包括力量和体能教练, wellness director, and exercise physiologist. 运动与运动科学学士课程旨在为学生提供基础知识, skills, and abilities related to the physical, social, and psychological components of exercise and sport. 毕业生将能够将这些特质应用到许多潜在的职业中, 以及体育训练等ESS领域的研究生课程, sport and exercise psychology, and physical therapy.

运动与运动科学学士学位课程旨在为您提供健身职业生涯的最佳准备, sport, and wellness. As a graduate of the program, 您将在私营和公共部门的各种环境中为充实的职业生涯做好准备, in a field that the U.S. 劳工统计局预计未来五年将增长近20%.

运动和体育科学专业的学生已经在丰迪拉克和福克斯谷完成了实习. Examples include:


Rehab Arisces

Agnesian Healthcare

At Marian University, care and compassion for others is at the heart of our legacy, especially in the sciences. 你会发现教师们带来了难以比拟的个人教学经验和强烈的激情. 拥有超过100年的教育未来的医疗保健专业人员, 你会发现,整个地区的雇主都在寻找玛丽安的健康和保健专业人士,他们受到成功的鼓舞.

运动与运动科学学士学位课程的学生必须以2分的成绩完成所有课程.0 GPA average.