Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Completion Program – Online

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Online Dental Hygiene Completion Program

十大电子游戏网站的100%在线口腔卫生学士学位课程为学生的职业生涯做好准备. With Wisconsin’s first dental hygiene bachelor’s completion program, 已经在认可学校获得口腔卫生副学士学位的学生可以在大约16个月内完成学业. 玛丽安的在线口腔卫生学士课程专注于将每个学生作为独立学习者,并利用一流文科大学的专业知识提供在线学位课程,为您的成功做好准备.

Important Program Features:

  • 100% Online 
  • MPath 7-Week Accelerated   
  • FIRST dental hygiene bachelor’s completion program in Wisconsin
  • 要求:获得认可机构的口腔卫生学士学位 并持有口腔卫生许可证  
  • Graduate in as little as 16 months 
  • Applicants may transfer in up to 90 credits
  • Out-of-state DH are encouraged to apply

Complete Your Bachelor’s in Dental Hygiene in About 16 Months. Learn More!

Learn More, Do More

If you’ve already earned your Associate Degree and license in Dental Hygiene, 十大电子游戏网站的口腔卫生学士学位课程将帮助你把你的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平, 准备你的工作,作为一个有需求的专业与技能,在不断增长的医疗保健领域的领导.

口腔卫生学士学位完成课程为临床指导职业创造了机会, sales, public health, 如果你愿意的话,你还可以继续攻读硕士学位. The BLS projects 11% growth in the field through 2028 with a median pay of more than $74,000/year. The benefits of earning your bachelor’s degree include increased salary, promotion, and a pathway to qualify for diverse roles in the oral health field.

Why Earn a Bachelor’s in Dental Hygiene?

在玛丽安的学位完成课程中教授的高级技能为你的事业和你的病人做了更多的准备. Graduates advance through an exploration of topics like community DH practice, management of oral healthcare delivery, health equity in diverse populations, research in DH practice, and leading and managing healthcare teams.

4学分的顶点实习为学生提供了与其他机构和专业人士合作的机会. 顶点项目的例子包括为两年的口腔卫生项目设计一门课程,为非口腔卫生专业人员开发和展示口腔卫生材料.

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MPath Online Program Schedule: 7-Week Accelerated

在线 牙科卫生学士学位完成 课程是十大电子游戏网站硕士学位本科课程之一 7-Week Accelerated format. With 100% online classes and 6 possible starts per year, 7周加速课程提供高质量的在线学位,具有当今成人学习者所寻求的灵活性. 灵活的课程设计和一次专注于更少主题的能力是为工作 牙科保健师定制的,他们准备将 他们的教育和职业 提升到一个新的水平.

Complete Your Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Hygiene at Marian University

Listen to Pam Entorf, Dental Hygiene Instructor, 正如她所描述的,为什么获得学士学位是牙科保健师能为他/她的职业生涯做的最好的事情. Students enrolling in the online completion program can transfer in up to 90 credits, saving time from having to retake courses. 你的学士学位是从临床牙科保健师到下一个专业水平的跳板. 根据你的临床口腔卫生经验,你有更多的选择. A bachelor’s will allow you to expand your education, advance your professional knowledge, and move into careers in corporate management or sales. The combination of a bachelor’s degree and Wisconsin Act 20 legislation, 使您能够影响所有社区的牙齿健康,甚至允许您开设自己的诊所! With your bachelor’s degree, you have so many more options open to you, especially in public health or administration.

Also hear from two graduates on how the 7-week courses, in the MPath online accelerated format, helped them stay focused and engaged and allowed them to still hold full time jobs. 他们分享了该课程如何提高了他们成为牙科治疗师的机会,并建立了他们在沟通方面的信心, leadership, and problem-solving. 其中一门课程教学生如何为那些很少获得医疗服务的人开发项目, such as a safety net clinic. “A bachelor’s degree helped me see a brighter future for me and my family.”

“Earn your bachelor’s degree, it will be worth it. I know that by continuing my education, I am setting myself up for a better future. I will increase the potential for new career opportunities and prevent career burnout. The seven-week long courses, while challenging, are allowing me to get done with my BS quicker than the traditional 16-week courses. Working full-time does not allow for a ton of time outside of work to do school, 所以我喜欢我可以一次上更少的课,专注于它们,同时还能工作.

I am working two jobs and going to school. You can do this!”

Megan LaurentBS Dental Hygiene Completion Student

“I chose Marian University because it is a prestigious university, and it is the first in Wisconsin to offer a BS in Dental Hygiene degree! I like that each course is seven weeks long and online. I can stay engaged and focus on assignments around my busy lifestyle. Instructors are available when I have a question through a phone call, email, and even meeting through Zoom.

My future is wide open as my bachelor’s will allow me to work in public health, pursue leadership roles, be an educator, be part of research organizations, and more.”

Carina Mino-MickelsonBS Dental Hygiene Completion Student

Online BS in Dental Hygiene Curriculum

BS Dental Hygiene completion students can complete their degree in as few as 16 months. 100%在线课程 结合了灵活的时间表和备受推崇的课程 ,让您在继续工作 牙科保健师的同时获得顶级学位. 该计划使学生能够胜任学士学位水平,以促进牙科保健师在社区环境中超越私人执业的扩展角色. Students are prepared with relevant and current dental hygiene practices.

有  NO临床 组成部分 ,因为学生需要在开始他们的学位完成课程之前完成副学士水平.

General Education Courses

As a bachelor’s level student, 在获得学士学位所需的120个学分中,你需要修30个学分的通识教育课程.  Gen eds are required regardless of your major.

All students take 10.5 to 17 credits in these areas:

  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Argumentative and Research Writing
  • Introduction to Christian Theology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Introduction to Ethical Reasoning

Core Courses

Dental Hygiene completion majors will take courses covering topics such as:

  • Research
  • Diverse populations
  • Oral healthcare delivery
  • Community practice
  • Leading and managing teams

十大电子游戏网站和威斯康辛技术学院 有一个衔接协议,允许威斯康辛技术学院 到 的牙齿卫生副学士学位课程的 毕业生除了获得普通教育课程的学分外,还可以获得42个牙齿卫生课程的学士学位.

A bachelor’s degree requires 120 credit hours, 但是典型的威斯康辛技术学院的毕业生只需要  50-51 学分 就可以完成学士学位. 来自威斯康星州以外的申请人 将根据具体情况对其成绩单进行评估.

美国牙科保健师协会(ADHA) 支持正规牙科卫生教育的所有方面,并打算 establish the baccalaureate degree as the minimum entry-level education 为今后的口腔卫生实践和发展口腔卫生实践提供理论基础.